DAO Functions
"tax Change” - proposal for changing taxes
“funding” - proposal for sending Dao-owned funds to someone (i.e., send funds to a crypto influencer for marketing)
"set Dao” - proposal for transferring ownership to a new Dao smart contract (i.e., new functionality could be added to a new smart contract)
"set Cex” - proposal for a Centralized exchange listing (excludes a CEX from fees and dividends)
"set Dex” - proposal for a Decentralized exchange listing (excludes a DEX from dividends)
"update Dividend Token” - proposal for changing the dividend token (i.e., change from CAKE to BUSD)
"update Marketing Wallet” - proposal for changing the marketing wallet
"update Team Wallet” - proposal for changing the Team Wallet
"update TeamMember” - proposal to add or remove a Team member (i.e., wallets that get paid on a monthly basis using funds from the Dao)
"update VetoAuthority” - proposal to add or remove wallet that has the ability to veto a proposal
"set VetoEnabled” - proposal to enable or disable the ability for a VetoAuthority to veto a proposal
"set SwapTokensAtAmount” - proposal to update the amount of tokens that the contract waits to accumulate before selling them for fees.
"set BuyBackAndLiquifyEnabled” - proposal to enable or disable the auto buyback/liquidity mechanism
"set CakeDividendEnabled” - proposal to enable or disable the dividend paying mechanism
"set MarketingEnabled” - proposal to enable or disable the marketing fee
"set TeamEnabled” - proposal to enable or disable the team fee
"update CakeDividendTracker” - proposal to update the dividend tracker
"update Bot Fees” - proposal to update the fee that bots are charged
"update Bot Blocks” - proposal to update the number blocks at launch during which a wallet is flagged as a bot
"update UniswapV2Router” - proposal to update the Pancakeswap router address
"exclude From Fees” - proposal to exclude an address from fees
"exclude From Dividends” - proposal to exclude an address from dividends
"update Gas For Processing” - proposal to update the gas used for processing dividends
"update Minimum Balance For Dividends” - proposal to update the minimum number of tokens an address must hold to receive dividends
"add Bot” - proposal to blacklist an address
"remove Bot” - proposal to unblacklist an address
"transfer Ownership” - proposal to transfer ownership of the token contract
"migrate Treasury” - proposal to migrate Dao-owned funds to another contract
"set Quorum” - proposal to update the minimum percentage of the supply needed to be voted for a proposal to pass
"set Min Poll Period” - proposal to update the minimum time period for a poll to be open
"update Governance Token” - proposal to update the token that is used for voting
“other” - used for non-smart contract controlled things, such as changing the flag of the metaverse
Last updated